Eeris Kallil C.M.T
Bodywork Wisdom
737 29th Street Suite 200A
Boulder, Colorado 80303
303 775-8005

As a survivor I am dedicated to helping women who are going through breast cancer. It is very important for the patient to become involved in her own healing process. I provide her the opportunity to connect to her body on physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic levels. Its about empowering her to help herself.

Common Questions and answers about massage and cancer:


Q: How can massage and bodywork help?


A: There are many benefits from receiving bodywork at any time, needless to say at a time of stress and health crisis.  Some of the benefits are:

·        Massage is relaxing and rejuvenating

·        Calming the nervous system

·        Helps you cope with mental and emotional stress

·        Relief of physical pain and fatigue

·        Increase flexibility and range of motion

·        Speeds recovery from surgery and treatment

·        Improves circulation and immune system

·        Improves skin tone

·        Speeds the removal of metabolic waste


Q: What style of massage/bodywork is best for cancer patients?


A: There are different types of bodywork that will support a cancer patient, depending on the stage they are in their treatment process;


  Energy work is soothing and balancing and helps with calming the nervous system. It is recommended for the first stages during crucial decision-making and is safe before treatment starts. It may include visualization and meditation.


  Shiatsu is a form of bodywork that is based on Chinese medicine. It’s focus is on restoring Chi/Qui, rather than stimulating muscles. Chi/Qui, is believed to be the life force behind our existents. Shiatsu will help restore the body Chi/Qui flow and will help the client thrive through surgery, chemo treatments and radiation, It will help support the immune system, increase the release of toxins and decrease fatigue due to treatment. Shiatsu uses thumb and palm pressuer on specific energy pathways (meridians) along the body.


  Swedish massage is soothing and relaxing and especially good for recovery time after surgery and chemotherapy. Massage will restore range of motion; decrease scar tissue and speed release of toxins and healing of wounds. Due to the relaxing nature of the work it helps with relieving mental and emotional stress that accompanies dealing with cancer.


Q: Can I get massage and bodywork during chemotherapy and radiation?


A: Yes, however a waiting period of 3-6 days after treatment is recommended. After surgery it is recommended to wait 7-10 days before receiving bodywork, however, energy work and gentle massage to non affected areas can be administered as soon as the client feels up to it. During radiation massage should not be administered to the radiated area.


 Q: Since massage stimulates the blood and lymph flow will it increase the risk of spreading the cancer cells to other parts of the body?


A: According to research and discussions with surgeons and oncologists, there are no studies that support this assumption. There are many studies however, that show massage to strengthen the immune system, induce release of toxins and assist in the reduction of stress. These are fundamentals which help fight disease and promote healing. More and more hospitals and cancer center include Massage Therapy in their programs. However, this is an individual decision, which each patient should discuss with their doctor and practitioner and judge by his or her comfort level.


Q: What about massaging around tumors?


A: It is preferable to wait until the tumor is removed. In cases where the rumor cannot be removed, direct pressure to the area should be avoided to prevent shedding of cancer cells.

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